We install, service and maintain all types of water filtration and softeners systems.
Hard water? Blue/green stains? Pin-hole leaks in your pipes? Brown, rusty water? Sulfur or rotten egg smell? White film? Dry-itchy skin? Spotty dishes? Grey laundry? Bad taste or odor? Calcium build-up?
Send us your symptoms and let’s do a water test. Chances are, your water has minerals, some contaminants and some build-up. Let our team check things out and recommend a course of action to get your water clean all the time.
We specialize in remediating the primary and secondary water parameters that fail on the New Jersey Private Well Test. Call today 973-584-1549 option 4 and/or email the water test report to
nicoleb@portasoftnj.com. Builders and realtors welcome! We are here to help.